Monday 31 July 2017

Fashion Hour


Presents: Fashion hour

Venue: Blackwhole lounge

Mamelodi West is well known as the best hosting events part of Mamelodi and a few places are well known to be the houses that people show off their personalities, lifestyle, sizes of their pockets, fashion wear, love, talents, and the ability to support coming from all parts of Mamelodi and other regions.

Here is one of the places that came out on a cold evening on 29th of July 17 with an hour of all hours. May writers would say feast your eyes for a magical moment that’s about to take place but a writer like me would say “People outside will never see further than what they see with their own eyes” when Levita Entertainment host a fashion show that had character, support, full house entertainment, excitement and debonair atmosphere.

A “Fashion hour” that had many young ladies and gentlemen on their debut in the fashion world where we have seen many talented people in this modern age. The show had started at 21:30 the crowd were absent in the first 10min by they did indeed show up in numbers to support the local fashion show taking place, with the rate of the fun activities that took place Blackwhole house attendance were buried down to their stomachs with laughter by the MC comedian, with the Music on the shore people nodded with the hip hop all the way to their homes after the event, fashion had broken its laws with combining African style with western.

With: 12 Female models, 9 Male models and 9 Designers!

This was Levita Entertainment’s 2nd Fashion show and they had gone and done a marvellous job with their rate of growing the popular community entertainment world, many had a chance of networking, scouting and liking. It’s believed that the Fashion Hour show has not yet reached its target in growth coming up with their own system to sponsor local schools largely to matriculates that cannot afford to designer dress or tailored suits Levita Entertainment will be visiting schools to offer support and help the pupils with self-confidence in the Fashion world.

What an Hour of all hours – Fashion Hour    

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